Petition to Stop Development Proposal at Bridgeman Downs Gathers Support

Petition Bridgeman Downs
Photo Credit: Google Earth

Just days after the application was lodged, an online petition urging the Council to stop the proposed development at Bridgeman Downs was launched and hundreds have already signed supporting the cause.

“Many of us have chosen to live in Bridgeman Downs because of its surrounding bushland and green spaces. These priceless features of Bridgeman Downs are being compromised by the development application for a service station, two fast food outlets, a childcare centre, and 39 townhouses at 415 – 427 Beckett Road, Bridgeman Downs,” the online petition says. 

The petition further stated that the development will significantly reduce the already limited green space and bushland in the area, as well as cause an increase in traffic, noise levels, parked cars along the streets. Such a move will “bring potentially unwanted visitors” to the area and affect property values. 

“These issues aside, there is simply no need for additional fast food outlets, service stations and townhouses in our area. There are numerous service stations and fast food outlets within a 5km radius of our suburb at both Aspley and Albany Creek. 

“We accept that the proposed development area was marked for potential development but the commercial nature of this development is completely unnecessary.“

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As of the seond week of July, more than a thousand individuals have already signed in support of the online petition.

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The proposed development on Beckett Road, Bridgeman Downs

The proposal by Beckett Road Pty Ltd was lodged 27 June 2019. It involves the development of a Service Station, a Cafe, Food and Drink Outlets, Child Care Centre, Multiple Dwellings, and new roads over four stages; the two existing dwellings will be demolished as part of the proposed development. 

Petition Bridgeman Downs
Photo Credit: Brisbane City Council /

The site is located at 415 and 427 Beckett Road, Bridgeman Downs covering an area of 18,1606sqm with a frontage of about 144m to Beckett Road. 

Stage 1 involves the construction of a Fuel Shop with a Coffee Drive Thru and a Drive Thru Restaurant with 42 car parking spaces and a direct access from Beckett Road. 

Stage 2 involves the construction of a 100-place two-storey Child Care Centre and a single-storey Restaurant with 22 car parking spaces.

Whilst Stages 3 and 4 involve the development of a two-storey 39 semi-attached dwellings (10 dwellings in Stage 3 and 29 dwellings in Stage 4). The dwelling will be broken down into three types with 86 car parking spaces (78-resident and 8-visitor).

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