Fast Food Drive-Thru Coming to Aspley Commercial Redevelopment

Fast food
1289 Gympie Road, Aspley (Photo credit: Google Street View)

Plans have been approved for the redevelopment of an existing commercial building in Aspley, which will incorporate a new fast food outlet with a drive-thru and outdoor dining area.

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The development application was lodged in late 2023 and the decision to approve the plans was handed down in January 2024. The proposal will reconfigure the current building layout to integrate a fast food restaurant and retail store at 1289 Gympie Road.

The building design by architecture firm V Architecture includes additional wood finish cladding and elements to promote a high-quality customer experience, according to the application.

Artist’s impression of the approved drive-thru (Photo credit: V Architecture)

Whilst some neighbouring locals raised concerns about potential increases in noise and pollution from a 24/7 fast food drive-thru, the application was ultimately given the green light.

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Plans  (Photo credit: V Architecture)

The layout facilitates an improved drive-thru area, indoor dining space and 44 parking spots. Part of the existing building will be demolished to allow for the changes.

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In total, there will be 117 sqm of retail space and 245 sqm for the fast food outlet. New signage, landscaping, and pedestrian access from Gympie Rd were also included in the plans.

Photo credit: V Architecture

Planners stated that “the development adopts a human scale with the pedestrian access accented by low level landscaping with an awning extended over the shop fronts”. It said the venue “will continue to deliver a layout that accommodates both a fast-food restaurant and a retail/shop establishment.”

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The operating hours for the recently approved fast food outlet along Gympie Rd, Aspley are set at 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Construction is expected to begin soon.

Published 7-February-2024