A development application involving an internal fitout to facilitate the establishment of an IGA Supermarket within Aspley Homemaker Centre has been approved.
The proposed site for the Supermarket is located at 815 Zillmere Road, Aspley and comprises one large allotment, approximately 6.22 hectares in total area with primary point of entry and exit from Zillmere Road.
The site is currently improved by Aspley Homemaker City which is composed of large-scale retail outlets such as furniture stores, bedding, educational supplies, outdoor living, and barbecue, as well as cafes, fitness centre, fast food outlet,
Photo credit: Brisbane City Council / pdonline.brisbane.qld.gov.au
The proposed development will involve the internal shop fitout within the existing building only, thus will not change the Gross Floor Area or the design and appearance of the building. There are also no changes to be made to the existing car parking and access arrangements on the site.
Photo credit: Brisbane City Council / pdonline.brisbane.qld.gov.au
Photo credit: Brisbane City Council / pdonline.brisbane.qld.gov.au
Photo credit: Brisbane City Council / pdonline.brisbane.qld.gov.au
“A review of Council’s PDOnline indicates that the current centre on-site and associated tenancies were approved prior to 2004. The application material that is available on PDOnline indicates that the relevant development approval is for Centre Activities within a Centre,” the URBIS assessment report said.
“As such it is determined that the proposed Building Work for the purposes of an internal shop fitout (IGA), does not constitute a material change of use of the premises. Furthermore, the Building Work is considered to be consistent with the relevant development approval.”
815 Zillmere Road, Aspley